Welsh English


Uplift Tickets

About Us

Antur 'Stiniog is a not for profit social enterprise. It was established in June 2007, having received pledges of support from more than 2000 local residents, each sharing the same vision:

“To develop the potential of the Outdoor Sector in the Ffestiniog area in a sustainable and innovative way for the benefit of the local residents and economy”.

Antur 'Stiniog aims to realise this vision through a number of exciting projects which vary from enjoyment and training in the sector to developing a series of Mountain bike trails in the area.

Y Siop – Antur 'Stiniog’s hub in the centre of Bro Ffestiniog. This is a commercial enterprise with a social heart. ‘Y Siop’ is a coffee house, clothing shop, makers space and information centre for this unique area. We sell quality local produce, clothing by trusted brands as well as a range of our own branded gear which is designed and printed locally is available to purchase both in store and online.
If you would like to contact us please call 01766 832 214 or email siop@anturstiniog.com


Current Projects

Woodland Area – We have been working closely with local the local company Dref Werdd  to create a woodland area onsite in order to offset our carbon footprint.

Nature Reserve – More info to follow.

Buy a Tree – You may have noticed we have added a ‘buy a tree’ option at our check out! We will be adding more wooded areas surrounding our trails which will again help to offset our carbon footprint whilst also improving the ecology of the site. 

Improvements - New improvements to Siop Antur Stiniog and the Mountain Bike centre including renovation of trails and the purchase of a new mini-bus were supported and funded by the Social Business Growth Fund through the European Regional Development Fund.

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